Painting a Feature Wall: Adding an Extra Pop!

Adding an extra pop to your home decor can be a difficult task. However, painting a feature wall could be the perfect way to transform your home into a stylish living space. If you’re looking for a way to spice up your interior design, read on to learn more about how to turn a dull wall into a colorful, decorative feature wall!

1. Preparing to Paint: Getting Ready for Your Feature Wall

Using a feature wall to add character to a room is an incredibly effective design strategy. Although any wall can be a beautiful feature wall, the extra effort of preparation will help you and your wall achieve the desired look.

Creating a feature wall doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Here are some steps to help you properly prepare:

  • Assess: Assess the condition of your wall. Are there any holes or patches that need filling? For best results, fill in holes, nails, or cracks with spackle.
  • Detail: Vacuum or dust off the wall to eliminate as much excess dirt and dust as possible.
  • Move: Take all furniture and wall art away from the feature wall. Don’t forget to cover furniture and other items with a cloth or blanket to protect them from potential paint splatters!
  • Protect: Put down painter’s tape around the edges of the wall, windows, door frames and other adjoined walls.
  • Plan: If you plan on painting a design or pattern, take the time to map out the plan on the wall to get an idea of what it will look like.

Once you’ve prepped the wall, you’ll be on your way to begin the mighty transformation of your feature wall. There are so many creative options available to you, so find inspiration and get creative!

2. Time to Paint: Creating Your Extra Pop of Color

  • Choose the Perfect Shade of Paint

Struggling to find that perfect hue to add a pop of color? Look no further! With a variety of colors, you can easily find the right one for your decorating needs. Consider the existing colors in the room when selecting your paint color. Select a shade that will bring your room to life and create an inviting atmosphere.

  • Get Ready to Paint

Now that you have your shade, it’s time to get ready to paint. Gather the necessary supplies, including painter’s tape, drop cloths, and the most important, a good quality paint brush. Get creative with the designs you can paint, from one wall of color to a freeform mural. Once you’re ready, it’s time to paint – and make sure to take your time for a perfect finish. Enjoy the creative and therapeutic process of adding a brighter hue to your room.

3. Finishing the Look: Adding Finishing Touches to Your Wall

You have spent so much time planning and creating your walls from scratch. Now it’s time to add the finishing touches that will make the wall truly unique! Below are the essential items you’ll need to include to make the wall stand out:

  • Lighting: Surface or hanging lights that provide a soft illumination can help highlight the wall elements.
  • Wall Art: Adding interesting wall art can create an eye-catching centrepiece and bring the whole wall to life.
  • Furniture: Use pieces that are both aesthetically pleasing and practical. Place them thoughtfully to create an inviting space.

Accessorizing the wall is a creative process, with many options for materials and colours available. Adding spotlights, shelving, and mirrors can help to create more depth and dimension to the wall. When you have decided on the accessories and colours, play around with different layouts to get the perfect combination.

4. Celebrating Your Accomplishment: Enjoying Your Feature Wall!

Now that your feature wall is complete, it’s time to celebrate your accomplishment! You’ve worked hard to create something beautiful and unique, and there’s nothing wrong with showing it off a bit. Here are some fun ideas to help you appreciate your masterpiece:

  • Invite family and friends to join you in admiring your work.
  • Host a dinner party around your wall so that you can admire it and you can thank the special people who helped you.
  • Stage a photoshoot with your wall as the main design element.
  • Start a project scrapbook with pictures of your wall in progress and the materials you used.

You may even want to consider getting creative with your celebration plans. Create a themed dinner party centered around colors that appear in your wall design, bake something special to display around your feature wall, or visit a nearby landmark that may have inspired its creation. No matter the activity, taking the time to enjoy your success is the best way to appreciate all of the hard work you put in! Go bold or go home—painting a feature wall is a great way to add a unique pop to your space and make a statement! Whether you’re feeling creative and want to create an abstract masterpiece or keep it simple with a classic color, the result will make you want to show off your space. No matter what you choose to do, painting a feature wall can instantly transform a room and give it character. It’s time to get creative!