DIY Repaint Home Wall


Painting your home walls yourself can be a great way to give your space a whole new lease on life. Whether you’re looking to spruce up some outdated walls or to just add a bit of vibrancy to a drab home, a DIY repaint job is an excellent way to get the job done in a snap—all you need is the right materials and a bit of know-how. Read on to find out the steps to giving your home a much-needed face-lift!

Refresh Your Home With a DIY Repaint

Repainting your home walls is a great way to breathe new life into any space. With careful planning and a bit of elbow grease, you can be sure to achieve the look that you want for your home.

Do Your Homework

Before starting the project, research different styles and colors online. If you want to try something a bit more daring, the Internet can offer a great range of ideas. Furthermore, ask yourself whether you will be satisfied with the results of the painting job in the long run.

Set A Realistic Budget

Set aside some money for the project and shop around for the best prices. Before you start painting, factor in the cost of the brushes and other materials, such as tape, drop cloths, primer, and paint. Also, don’t forget to purchase the right colors for your walls, as well as the primers and sealers.

Check the Weather

Check the weather forecast before you start the job. If rain is expected, it’s best to postpone the project and look for an alternate day. In addition, consider the temperature range to ensure that the paint will dry properly in the given environment.

Gather the Right Materials for the Project

With the right tools and supplies, it’s easy to give your home a perfect paint job. Here’s a list of what you need for the project:

  • A can of paint
  • Primer
  • Paint brushes of various sizes
  • Paint trays
  • Rollers
  • Painter’s tape
  • Drop cloths
  • A ladder
  • Protective gear (e.g. gloves, eyewear, face mask)

Plan Ahead

It’s important to budget your time, too. Painting the walls yourself can sometimes be tedious and time-consuming, so figure out how many days it is going to take you to get the job done and plan ahead. If you’re short on time, think about enlisting your friends to help you out.

Preparing the Walls for Repainting

Prepping is arguably one of the most important steps in any painting job; it’s the foundation for a successful paint job. Performing some basic preparation such as cleaning and sanding the walls helps ensure that the paint adheres to the surface for a long-lasting finish.

Clean the Walls

To get the best results, it’s essential to clean off the walls before painting. Use a damp cloth to wipe off any dirt, dust, and grease. To make sure the walls are totally clean, you might want to use a damp sponge as well.

Sand the Walls

Sanding makes the walls smooth by even out any bumps. Use a medium- to fine-grit sanding sponge to do the job. Dust off after sanding with a soft cloth and make sure to sand in a circular motion.

Fill Up Any Holes

You’ll also want to fill any holes or cracks in the wall with spackling—this helps ensure that the paint will stay on the wall.

Remove Wall Hangings

Remove all wall hangings, including frames and shelves, before you start the painting job. This will ensure that you don’t accidentally paint over anything.

Let the Painting Begin!

Now that your walls are ready, you can get to work with the painting. Here are some tips to ensure that you get the perfect look:

Tape up the Edges

To get a neat and tidy finish, tape off the edges and corners before you start. Use painter’s tape to the secure the tape on the wall and to avoid getting paint on the floor or furniture.

Layer the Paint

Layer the paint for a smooth and even finish. A base coat of primer is recommended before painting; it helps the paint adhere to the surface and protects the wall from moisture. Follow up with two or three layers of paint, allowing adequate drying time between the layers.

Use a Roller

For the primary layer of paint, use a roller instead of a brush. This helps to evenly spread the paint and gives a professional finish.


Painting your home walls can be a fun and inventive way to give your space much-needed life. With a little bit of planning and the right materials, you can repaint your home walls yourself and create a beautiful space. Follow the steps above, and you’ll have your walls looking fresh in no time!